Bill Farmer

Random thoughts on random subjects

Using Emacs in Android Development

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .

I’ve got a folder full of country flags which I have renamed using scripts so the names correspond to currency symbols. I want an integer array with references to the flags as android resources. This can be automated using emacs.

I get a list of the file names into a buffer using find, which I then open with emacs.

  % find src/ -name flag* > data/sym-flags.lst


They are already sorted, but just to make sure I use M-x sort-lines.


I need to replace the path with R.drawable., so I use M-% replace string. There is a bulk replace command in the docs somewhere, but it is easier to press ‘!’ than look it up.


Same again, to get rid of the .png and replace with a comma.

Replace png

I want the list in a neat block, so M-q to fill the notional paragraph.


It’s then trivial to copy the list to your code and wrap it with an array declaration.


See Also