I’ve studiously avoided Python up till now, even though it appears to be fairly popular, because it violates the first law of compiler design: ‘Blank space shalt not be significant except to separate tokens where necessary.’. That’s why you can minimise a lengthy JavaScript script like jQuery to one enormously long line and it still works just fine.
But, she-who-shall-be-ignored (self categorisation) decided she wanted to enter an advent calender competition which involved checking a web page to see if your name has come up and sending an email if it does. So I thought that’s an ideal little job to run on my Raspberry Pi. So I installed the ssmtp package and attempted to test sending an email. After several days of faffing about with no joy I gave up.
One of the things that comes front and centre with the standard Raspbian installation is Python. So, after checking the documentation for smtp and http libraries, etc, I decided to give it a go. You can test your code on the command line before sticking it in a file, and you get, unlike ssmtp, helpful messages that tell you what’s going on. So you end up with a script that looks like this, and it actually appears to work.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import smtplib
import os.path
from os import utime
from datetime import date
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
if os.path.exists("sent")
f = urllib2.urlopen("url")
today = False
for line in f:
if "winners" in line:
today = str( in line
line = f.readline()
if today and "name" in line:
s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("")
msg = MIMEText("I would like to claim my prize\r\n\r\nRegards\r\nname")
msg['Subject'] = "Advent Calendar Competition"
msg['From'] = "from email"
msg['To'] = "to email"
msg['Bcc'] = "from email"
s.sendmail("from email", ["to email","from email"], msg.as_string())
open("sent", "w").close()
with file("last", "a"):
utime("last", None)
So, very careful with the indenting. We shall have to see if anyone wins anything. The script gets fired off periodically with a crontab entry.
*/1 9-10 1-24 12 * $HOME/advent/