Bill Farmer

Random thoughts on random subjects

Source Code Syntax Highlighting

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .

One of the enhancements suggested for my android editor is syntax highlighting. The libraries I have found, including the one used in this blog, parse the input and produce output in HTML, using styled spans. Emacs makes extensive use of regular expressions for highlighting.

HTML output is not very useful for a text editor. It could be used with Html.fromHtml() to produce styled text. This would then be loaded back into the editor all while the user is attempting to edit the text. I don’t think so. So I explored alternatives.

C, C++, Objective C, Go, Java, Javascript, Python, Swift and other C-like languages share a set of mostly common keywords and type identifiers. There is a convention that classes are capitalised. There is a convention that constants and macros are all caps. Making use of these conventions it is possible to highlight source code without parsing it. It won’t get it right all the time, but most of the time. For example MacOS C and Objective C uses a convention of kWhatever for constants.

Putting all this together, first produce a list of all the keywords and types in the above languages, sort them and delete duplicates and make regular expressions. The \\b means a word boundary to stop embedded words being highlighted.

    public final static String KEYWORDS =
        "\\b(abstract|and|arguments|as(m|sert|sociativity)?|auto|break|" +
        "case|catch|chan|char|class|con(st|tinue|venience)|" +
        "de(bugger|f|fault|fer|init|l|lete)|didset|do|dynamic|" +
        "dynamictype|el(if|else)|enum|eval|ex(cept|ec|plicit|port|" +
        "tends|tension|tern)|fal(lthrough|se)|final(ly)?|for|" +
        "friend|from|func(tion)?|get|global|go(to)?|if|" +
        "im(plements|port)|in(fix|it|line|out|stanceof|terface|" +
        "ternal)?|is|lambda|lazy|left|let|map|mut(able|ating)|" +
        "namespace|native|new|nil|none|nonmutating|not|null|" +
        "operator|optional|or|override|package|pass|postfix|" +
        "pre(cedence|fix)|print|private|prot(ected|ocol)|public|" +
        "raise|range|register|required|return|right|select|self|" +
        "set|signed|sizeof|static|strictfp|struct|subscript|super|" +
        "switch|synchronized|template|this|throw|throws|transient|" +
        "true|try|type(alias|def|id|name|of)?|un(ion|owned|signed)|" +
        "using|var|virtual|void|volatile|weak|wh(ere|ile)|willset|" +

    public final static String TYPES =
        "\\b(j?bool(ean)?|(u|j)?(byte|char|double|float|int(eger)?|" +

Some Javascript libraries can guess the language from the input. Emacs relies on the file extension, the Chroma library used here relies on being told the language. The text editor has the file extension, so another regular expression to check file extensions.

    public final static String CC_EXT =

Check highlighting. The app also does HTML and CSS and has a syntax highlight option. The highlighting code is called with a small delay after each action that might change or scroll the text, and after removing the previous call.

    // checkHighlight
    private void checkHighlight()
        // No syntax
        syntax = NO_SYNTAX;

        // Check extension
        if (highlight && file != null)
            String ext = FileUtils.getExtension(file.getName());
            if (ext != null)
                if (ext.matches(CC_EXT))
                    syntax = CC_SYNTAX;

                else if (ext.matches(HTML_EXT))
                    syntax = HTML_SYNTAX;

                else if (ext.matches(CSS_EXT))
                    syntax = CSS_SYNTAX;

                    syntax = NO_SYNTAX;

                if (textView != null && syntax != NO_SYNTAX)
                    // Set callback
                    if (updateHighlight == null)
                        updateHighlight = () ->

                    textView.postDelayed(updateHighlight, UPDATE_DELAY);


        // Remove highlighting
        if (updateHighlight != null)
            textView.postDelayed(updateHighlight, UPDATE_DELAY);

            updateHighlight = null;

Highlight the text. Only highlight the visible region as highlighting a long source file is too slow. Adding highlighted spans causes the view hierarchy to re-layout the views which causes the text to scroll to bring the current selection into view. This is annoying when scrolling the text, so move the selection if not editing.

    // highlightText
    private void highlightText()
        // Get visible extent
        int top = scrollView.getScrollY();
        int height = scrollView.getHeight();

        int line = textView.getLayout().getLineForVertical(top);
        int start = textView.getLayout().getLineStart(line);

        line = textView.getLayout().getLineForVertical(top + height);
        int end = textView.getLayout().getLineEnd(line);

        // Move selection if outside range
        if (textView.getSelectionStart() < start)
            textView.setSelection(start, start);

        if (textView.getSelectionStart() > end)
            int last = textView.getLayout().getLineStart(line - 1);
            textView.setSelection(last, last);

        // Get editable
        Editable editable = textView.getEditableText();

        // Get current spans
        ForegroundColorSpan spans[] =
            editable.getSpans(0, editable.length(), ForegroundColorSpan.class);
        // Remove spans
        for (ForegroundColorSpan span: spans)

        Pattern pattern;
        Matcher matcher;

        switch (syntax)
        case CC_SYNTAX:
            pattern = Pattern.compile(KEYWORDS, Pattern.MULTILINE);
            matcher = pattern.matcher(editable);
            matcher.region(start, end);

            while (matcher.find())
                ForegroundColorSpan span = new

                // Highlight it
                editable.setSpan(span, matcher.start(), matcher.end(),

            pattern = Pattern.compile(TYPES, Pattern.MULTILINE);
            matcher.region(start, end).usePattern(pattern);

            while (matcher.find())
                ForegroundColorSpan span = new

                // Highlight it
                editable.setSpan(span, matcher.start(), matcher.end(),

            pattern = Pattern.compile(CLASS, Pattern.MULTILINE);
            matcher.region(start, end).usePattern(pattern);

            while (matcher.find())
                ForegroundColorSpan span = new

                // Highlight it
                editable.setSpan(span, matcher.start(), matcher.end(),

            pattern = Pattern.compile(CONSTANT, Pattern.MULTILINE);
            matcher.region(start, end).usePattern(pattern);

            while (matcher.find())
                ForegroundColorSpan span = new

                // Highlight it
                editable.setSpan(span, matcher.start(), matcher.end(),

            pattern = Pattern.compile(CC_COMMENT, Pattern.MULTILINE);
            matcher.region(start, end).usePattern(pattern);

            while (matcher.find())
                ForegroundColorSpan span = new

                // Highlight it
                editable.setSpan(span, matcher.start(), matcher.end(),

There are various triggers to cause the highlighting to change - scrolling the text, changing the text and dismissing the keyboard. There is no built in check on the keyboard, it can only be detected by checking view sizes. Only trigger the highlight on dismissing the keyboard.

                new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener()
                private boolean keyboard;

                // onGlobalLayout
                public void onGlobalLayout()
                    if (updateHighlight != null)
                        int rootHeight = scrollView.getRootView().getHeight();
                        int height = scrollView.getHeight();

                        boolean shown = (((rootHeight - height) /
                                         (double) rootHeight) >

                        if (shown != keyboard)
                            if (!shown)

                            keyboard = shown;

Creating a list of HTML tags and making a regular expression is similar to creating the C type expression. Creating a list of CSS styles produces a rather long list, and the \\b word boundary doesn’t work properly because of the dashes in the styles. So remove the dashes and create a list of unique styles which is a much shorter list.

    public final static String HTML_TAGS =
        "\\b(html|base|head|link|meta|style|title|body|address|article|" +
        "aside|footer|header|h\\d|hgroup|main|nav|section|blockquote|dd|" +
        "dir|div|dl|dt|figcaption|figure|hr|li|main|ol|p|pre|ul|a|abbr|" +
        "b|bdi|bdo|br|cite|code|data|dfn|em|i|kbd|mark|q|rb|rp|rt|rtc|" +
    // ...

    public final static String CSS_STYLES =
        "\\b(action|active|additive|adjust|after|align|all|alternates|" +
        "animation|annotation|area|areas|as|asian|attachment|attr|" +
        "auto|backdrop|backface|background|basis|before|behavior|" +
        "bezier|bidi|blend|block|blur|border|bottom|box|break|" +
    // ...

See Also