Bill Farmer

Random thoughts on random subjects

Hiding Edit Button

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .

My Diary and Notes apps have a floating button in the corner of the screen which is used to switch between editing markdown text and viewing the result. Although it is part of the android Material Design, this button has been the subject of several issues raised by users.

I have seen apps which hide this button on scrolling, and this was one of the suggestions by users. Getting this to work correctly turned out to be more complex than initially considered, requiring two boolean flags and a lambda expression.

These flags are required to keep track of scrolling direction.

    private final static int VISIBLE_DELAY = 2048;

    private boolean scrollUp = false;
    private boolean scrollDn = false;

The scroll change listener is only supported from android version 6 Marshmallow. The lambda expression showEdit() is required to restore the button after a delay. The animation is started and the flags reset.

            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M)
                final Runnable showEdit = () ->
                    startAnimation(edit, R.anim.fade_in, View.VISIBLE);
                    scrollUp = false;
                    scrollDn = false;

On detecting a scroll down the button is hidden using an animation and the flag is set to ensure it only happens once. The delayed call to showEdit() is removed and posted again until the view stops scrolling, so the delay is from when it stops.

                // onScrollChange
                markdownView.setOnScrollChangeListener((v, x, y, oldX, oldY) ->
                    // Scroll up
                    if (y > oldY)
                        if (!scrollUp)
                            // Hide button
                            startAnimation(edit, R.anim.fade_out, View.INVISIBLE);

                            // Set flags
                            scrollUp = true;
                            scrollDn = false;

                        // Show button delayed
                        markdownView.postDelayed(showEdit, VISIBLE_DELAY);

On a scroll down the button is restored and the flags are set to ensure it only happens once. The delayed call is reset to take care of bounce so the button isn’t restored again.

                    else if (!scrollDn)
                        // Set flags
                        scrollUp = false;
                        scrollDn = true;

                        // Show button
                        if (edit.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE)
                            startAnimation(edit, R.anim.fade_in, View.VISIBLE);

The app includes previously added functions to hide and restore the button using long touches. The flags are reset to stop unwanted interaction.

            // On long click
            markdownView.setOnLongClickListener(v ->
                // Show button
                if (edit.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE)
                    startAnimation(edit, R.anim.fade_in, View.VISIBLE);
                scrollUp = false;
                scrollDn = false;
                return false;

There is no point having an animation on hiding the button because it is hidden by the user’s finger. The flag is set so it isn’t hidden again on scroll up.

        if (edit != null)
            // On long click
            edit.setOnLongClickListener(v ->
                // Hide button
                scrollUp = true;
                scrollDn = false;
                return true;

The function to start the button animation.

    // startAnimation
    private void startAnimation(View view, int anim, int visibility)
        Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, anim);

These functions are used for both the edit view and the markdown view in the apps.

See Also