Bill Farmer

Random thoughts on random subjects

Handlers in Android

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .

Using a handler to return results from a worker thread

This has taken me quite a while to put together. There are throw-away remarks in the Android docs about this, but no useful examples. You want to get the results back from a worker thread to your main activity so you can do stuff with them. There are several parts to this.

  1. The main activity implements Handler.Callback, and has a handleMessage function.
  2. When the worker thread is created, include a reference to the main activity.
  3. In the worker thread constructor, create a Handler, including the reference to the main activity.
  4. When some results need passing back, send a Message back to the main activity using the handler.
    public class MyActivity extends Activity implements Handler.Callback
        // On create
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            WorkerThread worker = new WorkerThread(this);
        public boolean handleMessage(Message msg)
    public class WorkerThread extends Thread
        Handler handler;
        // Constructor
        public WorkerThread(Handler.Callback callback)
            handler = new Handler(callback);
        private void someFunction()
            // or
            Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(WHATEVER, thingy);

The handler will send the message back to the activity in the UI thread, so you can do whatever with the contents.

See Also