Bill Farmer

Random thoughts on random subjects

Android Flutter

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .

Google have made a big thing of their flutter development platform, so I thought I ought to give it a try. It’s easy to install, just download the sdk, unzip it in a suitable place and add the bin folder to your path.


I decided to have another look as it appears to be liked by developers on Reddit. The old version wouldn’t update, so I downloaded the latest (Flutter 3.16.5) and replaced it. This time it found everything it wanted. This time I build a simplistic app that just displays an image.

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Android Kotlin

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .

All my android apps have up until now been written in Java, avoiding the use of the support libraries or androidx. The Google developers docs and guides advocate the use of Kotlin rather than Java and the use of androidx almost to the exclusion of the standard android API.

I have a very simple app, Oglaf, NS(Generally)FW, which is just a wrapper around the web site, with some navigation. So I decided to convert it to Kotlin, just to see how difficult it was and to see what effect, if any, it had on the app.

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Android Word Count

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .

I was asked to add a word and character count to my Editor app. So I looked it up and found a Gist that uses BreakIterator. This relies on an embedded function that determines what is considered a word.

So I tested it and found that it gave different results to the linux utility wc. However, the app already makes great use of regular expressions, which include an expression for a word character \w.

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Download playlist video

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .

This has been superceded by youtube-dl, which seems to work on most video sites.

Since I wrote Download streamed video video web sites have upped their game to stop downloading. One of the techniques used is to use a M3U playlist and a complicated set of parameters. Other techniques are to use JavaScript to create a blob and play that, and to use a JavaScript browser app which goes into debug mode if you use the developer tools.

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Resurrecting an Old Dos App

by Bill Farmer. Categories: Hacking .


Back in the late 90’s I wrote an simulation app for an old telecontrol system that was being superceded. It was written in Turbo C to run on a DOS or Win95 PC.

The app used a conio library provided by the compiler to present colour character text and graphics on a monitor using a standard PC keyboard.

It used to run under 32 bit windows but wouldn’t run under 64 bit windows as there is no DOS emulation. So I decided to see if I could resurrect it using the windows API. There is a section in the windows docs about Console Applications which provides much the same functionality as the conio library.

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