Bill Farmer

Random thoughts on random subjects

Fixing Basin Waste Pop Up

by Bill Farmer. Categories: DIY .

There are two things that seem to go wrong with pop up basin waste plugs, either the clicker stops working or the O ring washer fails.



The clicker can stay stuck down, refuse to stay down or come apart.

If it sticks down it can possibly be pulled back up with a drain plunger, otherwise you will need to take off the U bend and poke it back up with a long screwdriver. To take it out, unscrew the plug from the top and use a small adjustable spanner to remove the clicker. It will be choked up with sludge and hair, clean it out and put some petroleum jelly or WD40 on it for lubrication. It should then work again.

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Replacing microbore radiators

by Bill Farmer. Categories: DIY .

My heating system uses 1/4″ copper pipe, which I think was called microbore at the time. Both pipes went to a valve at one end of the radiator. There were a variety of valves fitted, but most of them were like this one.


I investigated the best method for replacing the radiators and valves and found that using standard 15mm fittings with 15/8mm reducers was probably the best option. This involves removing the old radiator and valve, carefully removing the olives from the existing pipes with a junior hacksaw to cut a slot, and a screwdriver to pry it off.

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