
Geographical GB bus times lookup app.

Buses Zoom

Scroll and zoom the map to find a bus stop and tap the map to get bus times from that stop.

Stops Times


The map shows a person icon in a blue shaded circle. The size of the circle indicates the accuracy of the location. If the app thinks you are moving, the person icon is replaced by an arrow. The current time and date, OS six figure reference, and OS twelve figure reference are shown in the left upper corner of the map. The current longitude, latitude, altitude and accuracy are shown in the right upper corner of the map. If the map is panned, these figures will change to the current map centre. After a delay they will revert to the current GPS location.



The app widget will show the bus times from the last stop viewed. The widget will update periodically for about 5 minutes. Tap the refresh button to update again. Due to restrictions in later versions of android the refresh button will no longer work after a short period. Tap the widget anywhere to show the app. The widget will update when the app is dismissed and the refresh button will work again.


The app will ask for location and file access permissions. The location permission is to find out where you are. The file access permission is so the mapping function can cache map tiles. If map tiles are cached, there is a limited amount of mapping available without internet access, otherwise map tiles will be downloaded every time the app is used.